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Chris Jericho ruins CM Punk’s “metal” moment

Chris Jericho accepts and destroys CM Punk's award for "Most Metal Athlete" at the Revolver Golden Gods Awards

With CM Punk overseas, Chris Jericho accepts and destroys CM Punk's award for "Most Metal Athlete" which he won by fan votes at the Revolver Golden Gods Awards.

LOS ANGELES – In his continuing mission to ridicule CM Punk, Chris Jericho’s latest insult took place outside a WWE ring - specifically, at the 2012 "Revolver" Golden Gods Awards ceremony Wednesday night, while accepting Punk’s Most Metal Athlete award on behalf of the WWE Champion, who is currently overseas. ( PHOTOS)

“I want to accept this for him, and even though he beat me at WrestleMania, and basically embarrassed me, I will give this to him in good standing,” Jericho said ... then smashed Punk’s award over his knee and tossed it off the stage.

For the third year in a row, the Fozzy frontman hosted the awards ceremony that honors some of the biggest stars in heavy metal and hard rock. ( MORE ON THE GOLDEN GODS)

Jericho's dirty deed was the latest in a string of insulting things he has said – and done – to The Straight Edge Superstar. On Monday’s Raw SuperShow, Jericho verbally abused Punk and doused him with beer. ( WATCH | FULL STORY)

How much lower can Jericho stoop in tormenting Punk? And what sort of response will the WWE Champion have for his nemesis' latest affront? Expect more than an award to break between these two Superstars when Raw SuperShow emanates from London, England this Monday at 9/8 CT, on USA Network.

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