Shannon Moore returns to WWE

They say you never get a second chance to make a first impression, but Shannon Moore is now an exception to that rule. Released from WWE last July, the Cameron, North Carolina native re-signed with the company this week. caught up with the former WCW Hardcore Champion to get his thoughts on returning to WWE and more. What was your reaction when you found out WWE was interested in re-signing you?
Moore: I felt real good. I felt like I had another opportunity to show them what I can do. Being gone from WWE gave me a chance to really find myself, and to let my real character shine through. I feel like I’m fully ready to come back. What was the process like when you were released last July? Were there any hard feelings, and was the door left open?
Moore: There were no hard feelings at all. They pretty much said it was a budget cut, because I wasn’t really involved in anything at the time. Right before I left last summer, I was just starting to really let myself shine through as “The Prince of Punk,” but I never really got a chance to complete that transformation. I was able to do that while I was away, and now I can give the fans something to watch. What have you been doing over the last nine months?
Moore: Well, I’ve been keeping busy on the independent circuit, and I went over to Japan for a while, which was great for me. I also did some work down south. Plus, I opened a small wrestling school, and I have four students that I’ve been training down here over the last few months. What made you decide to come back? Was there any indecision or hesitation on your part?
Moore: Not really. I love wrestling, and I love being on the road. WWE’s schedule is heavy, and there’s a lot of overseas stuff going on right now. I like that heavy schedule, being on the road and touring the world. I’ve been keeping busy, but my schedule has been nowhere near what it’s like in WWE. It almost felt like too much time at home. I’d sit here and say man, I wish I was on the road wrestling. Like I said, I love wrestling and being in front of the crowd, so I’m excited to be back. Do you have a preference as to whether you’d want to be part of RAW or SmackDown?
Moore: Either one would be great. I’ve never been on RAW, so I wouldn’t mind experiencing that. They say characters are welcome on the USA Network, and I’m definitely a character. As for SmackDown, there’s a lot of business I could take care of there too. Whichever brand I’m on, as long as I’m wrestling I’ll bust my ass and give the fans 110 percent, just with a lot more character involved this time. What are your immediate goals now that you’re back?
Moore: Well, like I said a lot of that depends on whether I go to RAW or SmackDown. Matt Hardy is on SmackDown again, and I wouldn’t mind hooking up with him and seeing what we can do together. This time it won’t be as his Mattitude Follower, but I wouldn’t mind tagging up with him. SmackDown also has the cruiserweights, and another former partner of mine (Gregory Helms) is the champion. He’s running around with the attitude that he’s the best cruiserweight in the world, so I wouldn’t mind getting in the ring with him and testing that theory. What can the fans expect to see from Shannon Moore now that you’re back?
Moore: They can expect to see a different side of Shannon Moore. You’re going to see the character that I really am, and it will be a lot more entertaining this time around.

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