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Randy Orton escapes accident with only a broken collarbone

Randy Orton escapes accident with only a broken collarbone

Forty-eight hours after his accident, Randy Orton is feeling considerably better. The former WWE Champion re-fractured his collar bone, but luckily he does not have a broken scapula, as originally feared. A follow-up examination confirmed that Orton will be unable to compete for an additional three months.

The Superstar was involved in a motorcycle accident near his home Sunday night that could have ended his life were he not wearing a helmet.

Orton, who has only been riding motorcycles for a month, said he was riding around a sharp curve on a steep hill home when an oncoming car veered into his lane causing him to widen his turn.

Orton then struck a curb and was thrown from his bike. He collided with the ground, knocking him unconscious. In his words, Orton "bounced and rolled just under 300 feet, landing in a ditch."

"When I came to, I knew I had rebroken my collarbone," said Orton. "When the police and fireman got there, they asked me 'Where's the guy who was in the wreck?' and I said 'It was me.' "

Orton, who was wearing just shorts and a sweatshirt, only sustained the rebroken collarbone.

"Without a helmet, I would be dead," said Orton. "Now that I have a newborn daughter, so much was going through my head."

Orton had one final message for his fans ... "I will ride again."

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