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WWE SuperCard unveils new Goliath Tier cards in latest update

WWE SuperCard Goliath Tier cards update
WWE SuperCard is getting a big boost from new Goliath Tier cards that are available now and in the weeks to come.

Those attempting to conquer WWE SuperCard are about to get a Goliath-sized boost.

A new update to the popular WWE mobile game for iOS and Android will deliver several new Goliath Tier cards for in-game use starting today. 2K announced the recently released tier will include new Throwback and Fusion cards as of today, and will gain additional WWE Hall of Fame cards at a later date.

Enthusiasts who play WWE SuperCard starting today will also receive free card packs that include a Throwback card up through the WrestleMania 34 tier. Players can gain another special pack every four hours at no additional cost until the promotional period ends on July 31.

WWE SuperCard, which is developed by Cat Daddy Games in conjunction with Visual Concepts, is available now to download free of charge on the App Store for iOS devices, as well as the Google Play Store and Amazon Appstore for Android devices.

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