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Sports Business Journal highlights WWE’s commitment to community and charity work

Sports Business Journal highlights WWE’s commitment to community and charity work

WWE’s commitment to community and charity work was featured in the latest edition of Sports Business Journal, including interviews with Roman Reigns and WWE Chief Brand Officer Stephanie McMahon.

The article highlights WWE’s four pillars of focus for its community efforts across partnerships with Susan G. Komen, Make-A-Wish, the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, Connor’s Cure, The V Foundation, Hire Heroes USA, The Boys & Girls Clubs of America and Special Olympics. The four pillars include: hope, empowerment, service and inclusion.

The article featured Reigns, a cancer survivor himself, discussing his involvement with pediatric cancer patients as part of WWE’s Superstars of Tomorrow program, and McMahon focusing WWE’s commitment to its community and charity partners in recent years.

For more, see the full article here (subscription required). 

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