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Sheamus’ Celtic Warrior Workouts returns to YouTube with Bobby Lashley’s “Average Bob” workout

Sheamus’ Celtic Warrior Workouts returns to YouTube with Bobby Lashley’s “Average Bob” workout

After a two-year hiatus, Sheamus is bringing his Celtic Warrior Workouts back to YouTube!

The Celtic Warrior is hitting the gym with your favorite WWE Superstars to see how they train and inspire others to make a #BraveChange in their lives.

To kick things off, Bobby Lashley runs Sheamus through the wringer with his “Average Bob” workout. As it turns out, The All Mighty’s workout is anything but average. 

Head to YouTube.com/WWEWorkouts to see the full workout, and be sure to subscribe to Celtic Warrior Workouts to see more Superstars and surprise guests hit the gym with Sheamus!

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